Innovation and sustainability are two important pillars to VIX and the entire Group Águia Branca. VIX, for instance, has implemented a series of policies and initiatives aiming at the observance of the most modern and strict standards of quality, environment, health, safety, and social action, to all our relationship audiences, including collaborators, customers, suppliers, shareholders, and society.
Inaugurado em janeiro de 2018, o VIX Labs, primeiro laboratório de inovação do Grupo Águia Branca, foi projetado para criar condições favoráveis para que a inovação ocorra. Isso através do estabelecimento de um ambiente criativo e colaborativo, para que novos conhecimentos possam ser facilmente compartilhados e ideias possam ser desenvolvidas.
A ideia do Labs surgiu após a ida de acionistas em uma imersão ao Vale do Silício. A partir daí a empresa identificou a oportunidade de ter um laboratório de inovação dedicado a sua Divisão, que engloba as empresas VIX, Autoport, Lets e V1. Assim nasceu o VIX Labs, primeiro laboratório do Grupo Águia Branca.
No espaço do VIX Labs, em Vitória, acontecem eventos, ações, reuniões e capacitações além da aplicação de metodologias ágeis e recebe visitas de colaboradores, empresas e convidados. Outra importante vertente da área é estar de portas abertas ao ecossistema de identificação e nas oportunidades de relacionamento com o mercado.
Além de proporcionar ambientes de treinamentos, gestão do conhecimento e aplicação de metodologias ágeis, o laboratório serve como espaço para fomentar, apoiar e entregar projetos que façam sentido para a VIX e seus clientes, sempre em parceria com o time interno. O laboratório visa estimular a criatividade e trazer o universo do empreendedorismo para os colaboradores e servir como ponto de conexão entre pessoas, ideias e soluções.
The company for 12 years is the holder of Environmental Certification NBR ISSO 14001.
O respeito ao meio ambiente é praticado por meio da realização de campanhas e programas com foco em sustentabilidade. As ações envolvem colaboradores, prestadores de serviços e comunidades nas quais a empresa está inserida, incentivando o uso adequado dos recursos naturais e a preservação da natureza.
The company adopts postures of emission control, with a rigid maintenance, with a detailed control of the CO2 levels of our fleet. It includes the monitoring of postures of drivers and the correct adjustment of the equipment during the use, influencing sudden braking and throttle. Defensive driving techniques are also applied, including the control of tire pressure in the weekly Itr’s, regular and preventive maintenance, in addition to the observance of the scale legislation and the technical limit of vehicles.
The participation of the company from the creation of Program Qualiar, promoted by Fetransportes, with a quarterly evaluation of the emission levels, with the obtainment of maximum grading in all evaluations.
At VIX Logística, in addition to the control and monitoring of the legal parameters, initiatives are adopted seeking the reduction of environmental damages related to the operations of the company, such as effluent treatment stations and the reuse of rain water to wash the fleet.
Campaigns are promoted throughout the year for the conscious use of water, involving the collaborators of all bases of the company, stimulating the sustainable use of natural resources.
Our plants are adapted to collect rainwater and water generated by AC units, which are stored and used to wash the vehicles.
For 30 years we have implemented a water reuse system to wash the vehicles. The water used during the washing process of vehicles is collected and passes in a water and oil system, then passing through filters for the removal of impurities and odor, returning to be used in new washing operations. The savings are of approximately 31 million liters/year.
VIX Logística adopts a set of programs aiming the application of the 5 environmental R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Rethink, Recover, and Recycle – in the waste generated by the organization.
With the Selective Collection program, all collaborators may contribute with the correct separation of the materials destined to recycling or reuse.
The Águia Branca Environmental Reserve is a Private Reserve of the Natural Heritage – “RPPN”. It is a conservation unit maintained by the private sector with the purpose of preserving the biological diversity of a region.
The Águia Branca Environmental Reserve was created in 2017 by Group Águia Branca to contribute with the sustainable development of the Mountain Region of the State of Espírito Santo, protecting the largest forest remains of Rain Forest.
Located in the city of Vargem Alta, the Reserve has 2,225.64 hectares of area and a rich biodiversity, with the cataloging of several fauna and flora species, some of them rare and threatened with extinction.
The space is prepared, against prior schedule, to receive visitors with actions on environmental education, leisure options, and trails.
Vix Logística also stimulates the continuous improvement of the processes and activities, based on the use of the tools of the Quality and Award Maintenance of Ideas. The opportunities of improvement are evaluated systematically or on a systemic basis and the best opportunities are recognized in Vix Logística Quality Award.
As a form of stimulating the use of quality tools, diffusing the methodology of management of processes as an instrument of identification of opportunities of improvement, either by corrective action, preventive action, improvements, or innovation, allowing managers to obtain consistent results with the organizational goals.
The Award Maintenance of Ideas has as its objective to evaluate and award the best initiatives related to gain of yield, cost reduction, innovation and safety of the maintenance area, thus allowing the acknowledgment of managers and collaborators.
Partnership with EDP, allowing the start of the tests with the full electric bus in the freight operations of Vix Logística as of 2020
Use of the first full electric vehicles in the fleet outsourcing and ridesharing- V1 agreement
Feasibility studies on the use of electric Truck Tractors for the traction of convoys up to 120 tons in port areas
Cargo handling machines with hydraulic cylinders and a power recovery system with a reduction of Diesel consumption up to 30%.
To VIX Logística, the sustainable development of the communities where the company is placed inspires the conduction of programs aiming at involving all audiences towards solidary and educative attitudes.
In this regard, the sponsoring of cultural projects and campaigns with the communities are examples of initiatives related to sustainability. The company also promotes actions and programs of volunteerism that count on the participation of collaborators socially engaged.
One of these programs is AmiGab, promoted by Group Águia Branca, in which collaborators contribute with the increase of the self-esteem of children and teenagers of social institutions near 13 operation units of the Group.