Investor Relations

Who we are

VIX  has more than 50 years of experience in offering customized, efficient, innovative and safe logistics solutions and is committed to excellence, innovation, operational safety and sustainability. It was these traditional pillars that made us recognized across Brazil and Mercosur.

We operate with a broad service portfolio to meet all our clients’ needs, including: dedicated logistics, fleet outsourcing and management, transport by application, cargo handling, automotive logistics, land logistics, international logistics and chartering, in addition to the sale of light and heavy used vehicles.

With more than 11,000 highly qualified employees spread across more than 70 operating units, as well as a modern fleet of equipment maintained through rigorous maintenance standards, we focus on quality and excellence when providing services, delivering intelligent and efficient operations to our clients, as well as the best safety indexes available on the market, which is an absolutely critical and differential factor when dealing with high risk industrial operations.

Guided by the purpose of “Moving the world with excellence and respect for people”, we work with solid values such as ethics, commitment with the best results, continuous search for over achieving, priority focus on safety and respect that transforms our business relationships into lasting human relationships.

VIX also encourages the ongoing improvement of processes and activities, based on the use of Quality tools. Improvement opportunities are assessed and recognized. In addition, we dedicate our efforts to the preservation of the environment through projects that range from selective waste collection, photovoltaic energy generation, atmosphere management and the management of solid waste and effluents.

The constant search for excellence in all aspects of our management has earned us great achievements and highlights in rankings and nationally recognized annual reports, among them Época 360, Exame’s Maiores e Melhores ranking, Valor Carreira, among others.

The Águia Branca Group:

What started as a small bus company in 1946, in the municipality of Colatina, State of Espírito Santo, became one of the largest business groups in the transport and logistics sector in the Brazil and later became VIX Logística. With more than R$12 billion in annual sales, the Group operates in road and air passenger movement, logistics and vehicle trade services.

Click HERE to learn more about the Group.


Our History

  1. 1971

    First Charter contract, in the State of Minas Gerais.

  2. 1982

    Acquisition of Viação Capixaba.

  3. 1992

    Creation of the VIX brand and start of the Fleet Service.

  4. 1994

    Start of Dedicated Logistics operations by transporting wood for the Aracruz Celulose plant.

  5. 1995

    Acquisition of Autoport, a company specialized in automotive logistics.

  6. 2005

    Expansion to Mercosul, with automotive logistics operations in Argentina.

  7. 2007

    Registration with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM).

  8. 2010

    Diversification of Dedicated Logistics services, expanding into the Steel, Mining and Oil and Gas sectors.

  9. 2012

    Change in registration with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) to a Category A company.

  10. 2014

    IFC e IFC ALAC se tornam acionistas da VIX

  11. 2017

    Creation of VIX Labs, our innovation laboratory.

  12. 2018

    • Launching of V1, a Transport Service by Application.
    • Acquisition of Let’s Rent a Car, a fleet outsourcing and management company.
  13. 2019

    The Company issues debentures and accesses the capital market for the first time.
    In all, we have 50 years of experience through our solid journey of prosperity and growth, focusing on results and placing us among the largest logistics companies in Brazil.

  14. 2020

    First eletric bus for interstate use in Brazil.

  15. 2022

    Acquisition of Servicarga.

The Company issues debentures and accesses the capital market for the first time.
In all, we have more than 50 years of experience through our solid journey of prosperity and growth, focusing on results and placing us among the largest logistics companies in Brazil.

Our Services

VIX Logistics specializes in customized logistics solutions. Its services include vehicle fleet leasing and management, movement of people, materials handling, automotive logistics, and dedicated logistics, operating from the north to south in Brazil and in the Mercosul region. Our projects are developed aiming at maximum efficiency of processes and customized to meet the our clients’ needs. Our operations currently cover four business segments: Dedicated Logistics, Automotive Logistics, Fleet Management and Outsourcing and Application Transport Service, all through the VIX, Autoport, Let’s and V1 brands

Dedicated Logistics
Dedicated Logistics

Dedicated Logistics consists of a wide range of highly customizable services to meet all our clients’ needs in terms of transport of and/or people. We do not just meet the specifications defined by our clients, but we also try to understand their production process in order to suggest improvements, synergy gains through the consolidation of different stages of the production process, as well as new operational models that can generate value for both parties.
Our service portfolio is constantly evolving as we acquire know-how from activities that are adjacent to and complementary to ours, increasingly seeking integration, intelligence and efficiency in our production processes. This makes us eligible to offer complete solutions and operate at various stages of our clients’ supply chain, from the extraction of inputs, transportation to industrial units, moving people, internal movements in industrial parks, waste collection, inventory management and storage, rental of machinery and equipment, transfer and distribution of products to the final customer and reverse logistics.

Automotive Logistics
Automotive Logistics

Automotive Logistics services are performed through the Autoport and Servicarga brand, a company specialized in serving this sector and all its particularities. We operate in the transportation of cars, vans, trucks and buses from the main automakers in the country to their dealer networks, through the “stork” modality that were designed and patented by the Company itself. We also provide correlated transportation activities, such as patio management and vehicle storage, automotive services, port operations and container handling. We are strategically located close to our clients’ units, which gives us flexibility and agility to provide these services.

Fleet Outsourcing and Management
Fleet Outsourcing and Management

The fleet outsourcing and management services offered through the Let’s and EBEC brands consists of providing a corporate car fleet through medium and long-term leasing contracts, all of which are customized according to the specific need of the client and includes maintenance management, immediate availability, a dedicated service team, documentation, dashboards and reports on the fleet being managed, among other facilities that remove our clients’ burdens and concerns that naturally come through vehicle ownership. Through this service, our clients benefit both from the optimization of utilization costs of vehicle fleets and reducing human and financial resources, which were previously dedicated to the acquisition and management of vehicle fleet, allowing them to be better used in their core business activities.


In the Greater Vitoria area (state of Espírito Santo), we operate an application transport service for individuals and companies, named V1. This service offers drivers, fleet and excellent services. Another novelty recently launched by V1 is the Car Rental service in an innovative, fully digital model, enabling cars to be rented at strategic locations of the Greater Vitória area, with the entire process carried out by mobile phones. In addition, we also offer Car Subscription in the same innovative way as in Car Rental.